Dr. Sakas Appearing on National Catholic Radio 11/11/13
Dr. Sakas will be on the nationally broadcast radio show, "On Call" hosted by Wendy
Wiese, on Relevant Radio, Monday, November 11th from 1-2 PM CST. This is a rescheduling of the previous announced November 26th date. The broadcast can be
heard on 950 AM, 930 AM, 1270 AM or accessed through your computer at
www.relevantradio.com and listened to online. It is a call in show and
Dr. Sakas has been a regular guest on the show. Their phone number
for call ins is 1-877-766-3777.
Future dates for next year are being set
up....all between 1-2 CST. We will keep providing updates as the dates are set.
If you
cannot listen to it live, go to the "On Call" portion
of the Relevant Radio website at www.relevantradio.com, where you can
hear this and past shows (7/9/13, 9/21/13, 10/7/13) in the archived shows
section (where they are kept for a few months).
Nice infomation here.