Keeping Your Home Safe for Your
Pets during the Holidays
Peter S. Sakas DVM, MS
647-9325 FAX (847) 647-8498
The holidays are joyous and active
times for people and their pets. Our pets partake in many of the seasonal
festivities with us which makes the holidays that much more special. However,
many of the decorations and objects we have around the household during the
holidays may be dangerous to our pets. By taking a few precautions, we can make
this wonderful time of year a safe one for our pets.
Holiday Food/Cooking
Food is a very important aspect of our holiday celebrations as many human waistlines can attest. Unfortunately, many of these foods can cause serious problems in our pets and as any veterinarian will tell you, this is the time of year that we see numerous gastrointestinal problems in pets.
Preparation -The preparation of food can be a
problem, especially for pet birds. Birds have a very effective respiratory
tract and coupled with their relatively small size are susceptible to toxic
elements in the air. During cooking if food burns or smoke is produced, any
birds nearby the kitchen could be at risk of fatal smoke inhalation. If
non-stick cookware is used there is another risk for pet birds. Under normal
cooking conditions, the cookware is safe but if polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
coated products (such as Teflon, Silverstone, and Supra) are overheated (over
530 degrees F), they can emit toxic fumes which are fatal to birds. PTFE coated
drip pans achieve high temperatures under normal usage so they should not be
used around birds at all. If your bird has been exposed to smoke or fumes get
them to an area of good ventilation and seek veterinary care.
cautious with any bones provided to your pet. Sharp bones, especially from
chicken or turkey, may become lodged in the mouth or throat of your pet. If the
bones move further into the digestive tract, there is a risk that the bones
could perforate the stomach or intestines. This situation may require surgical
removal and if they do not receive veterinary attention, they may die. Provide
your .pet with commercial chew toys to avoid any potential problems.
cautious with guacamole around pet birds. Most bird owners know that avocado is
extremely toxic for birds and severe reactions can lead to death. However, some
people forget that avocado is the key ingredient in guacamole. When you are
having holiday parties and with all kinds of appetizers available, such as
chips and dips, be careful if there is guacamole around with your pet birds
present. They may decide to sample some of the dip, or an unknowing houseguest
may innocently provide a taste of the dip to one of the birds with potentially
tragic results.
Chocolate -
Providing a piece of chocolate to a pet may seem like an act of kindness but
there is a risk that this treat could have serious consequences. Chocolate may
be fatal to your pet, especially dogs, because they are sensitive to
theobromine, a compound in chocolate. It may cause vomiting, diarrhea, heart
irregularities, muscle tremors, seizures and coma, sometimes with fatal
results. Cats are rarely poisoned due to their more 'discriminating' habits.
Keep those chocolate goodies out of the reach of your dog. If your dog
accidentally eats some chocolate, seek veterinary care immediately.
The Christmas Tree
go up once a year and for a brief period of time. Your pets will be very
interested in new and unusual objects scattered around the house believing that
these are special 'toys' for their own use. Often these playthings end up lodged
in the intestinal tract causing a blockage. Many dangers lurk on the Christmas
tree. Overzealous dogs or cats have felled numerous wonderfully decorated
trees. Support the tree securely with a sturdy stand and wires.
The Tree
-There are several factors to consider with the tree. The trunk of a live tree
is often coated with chemicals, such as fertilizer or insecticide. When the
tree is placed in the stand and watered, the chemicals from the trunk
contaminate the water. If your bird, dog or cat drinks it, they may become
sick. The needles begin to fall out as the tree ages and dries. The needles are
not poisonous but are very sharp, can puncture the skin and produce abscesses.
If your pet tries to eat them, the needles can cut the tongue, lips and gums.
If swallowed they are relatively undigestible and can actually pierce the
lining of the stomach and intestines or cause a blockage.
The branches from artificial trees can be easily
pulled out. The artificial needles can be sharp and are always non-digestible.
If you pet chews on the branches, they might take in some of the needles. Just
like the needles from the live tree, they can cause gastrointestinal problems
such as bleeding and blockage.
-The lights pose many dangers. They often
get very hot after being on for a while and could burn your pet if they are
touched. For some strange reason pets seem attracted to wires and like to chew
on them. So keep a watch on your pets for this type of activity and check the
lower strings of lights for evidence of chewing. You might want to ‘pet proof’
the tree by keeping objects, such as lights and ornaments, at heights that your
pets cannot reach. If you want lights all over the tree, then string them on
the lower branches, but place them away from the tip of the branches. The pets
will have a more difficult time reaching them if they are placed on the inner
portion of the branches.
Cords -Electrical cords often seem delectable
to many pets, especially cats and young puppies. Chewed cords can cause severe
burns and sometimes fatal, electrical shocks. If your pet seems overly
interested in electrical cords, string or tape them in a position that is
inaccessible to your pet. If that does not work you can cover the cords with
hot pepper sauce or use bitter tasting commercial products sold in most pet
-Avoid using glass ornaments around pets.
They are fragile, break easily and the shattered pieces are sharp. If any of
the pieces are swallowed, the glass can puncture the intestines, which could
lead to peritonitis and possibly death. Ornament hooks are also very sharp.
They can be picked up and swallowed, resulting in gastrointestinal problems
such as obstructions and punctures.
cautious with 'edible' type ornaments. Sometimes the store-bought varieties may
not be edible and contain hardening agents/preservatives that could be toxic.
If you make your own edible ornaments, your pet may try to eat them. They may
knock over the tree trying to get a string of homemade popcorn or a gingerbread
safest ornaments are one-piece, non-breakable and made of non-toxic material.
They should be too big to swallow. Also, have them out of the reach of curious
beaks, mouths and paws.
-One of the most dangerous materials to
put on a Christmas tree is tinsel. Animals are attracted to its bright finish
and flexibility. Cats are especially attracted to tinsel and if you have a cat,
it is recommended that you do not use tinsel on your tree. If your pet eats
tinsel, there is a good chance that it will become wrapped around the tongue.
As the pet struggles to remove it, the tinsel gets stretched out and wraps even
tighter. It can cut sensitive tissues in the mouth and stop the circulation of
blood to the tongue. If a strand is swallowed it can bunch up and block the
intestine. If this occurs, surgery is usually required to remove it. The best
advice is, if you have pets, do not place tinsel on your tree. You may lose the
aesthetics of the icicle effect, but your pets will be much safer.
people place decorations throughout the house including lights, evergreen
branches, holiday knickknacks and other assorted objects to provide a festive
environment. We have discussed some of these dangers previously. Lit candles
can burn a curious pet or could be knocked over and start a fire. Centerpieces
of dangling streamers and feather fronds are enticing to the curious pet. If
chewed and swallowed, these materials can cause an intestinal blockage. Icicles
and tinsel draped on a mantle are as dangerous as tinsel on a tree. Monitor
your pets and watch out for any evidence of chewing on these objects.
presents can pose a hazard to pets. They are attracted to the decorative bows,
ribbons and other frills placed on the packages. If your pet would chew and
swallow these materials, there is a risk of intestinal blockage. Food packages
wrapped as gifts and left under a tree can entice a hungry animal. With their
keen sense of smell they can sniff these out and decide to have a feast.
Exercise caution with these types of presents around pets, especially dogs.
Poisonous Plants
Many homes are decorated each year
during the holiday season with poinsettias and mistletoe. These plants do
represent the season; unfortunately they are toxic for our pets and represent a
problem for curious dogs, cats and birds. Poinsettias produce a milky sap that
is irritating to the skin and eyes on contact and to the gastrointestinal tract
if eaten. It may cause irritation and blistering of the mucous membranes of the
mouth and stomach. Intake of large amounts of mistletoe may cause nausea,
vomiting and gastroenteritis. Make sure that these plants are kept out of the
reach of your pets. If you do catch you pet eating a poinsettia or a few loose mistletoe
berries, seek veterinary care immediately.
Relieve Pet Stress during the Holidays
The holidays are stressful times
for all of us. The commotion in decorating, purchasing gifts and entertaining
friends/relatives can be overwhelming to many people. Our homes can be filled
with people, especially young children. Many pets, even if not aggressive or
territorial, are stressed by the increased numbers of strangers 'intruding' in
their domain. The high activity level of children can be a new and stressful
experience for many pets unaccustomed to this behavior. Birds can become
especially upset during the holidays, particularly the larger varieties of
birds. Routine is very important to birds and if that routine changes, they can
become frustrated and engage in abnormal behavior. These types of behavior
include, aggressiveness, screaming, biting or development of vices such as the
picking off or chewing of their own feathers in frustration, which if allowed
to continue can become a habit.
possible, try to provide your pets with a consistent level of interaction with
you so they do not feel left out. This is especially important with parrots.
Try not to let the pandemonium of the holidays lead to stress in your pets. If
you feel that your pets are uncomfortable around new people, it may be best to
separate them from the holiday activity. Provide your pets with an area where
they can 'get away from it all' and be alone. Cats may enjoy an intricate
'kitty condo' set up or even a cardboard box or paper bags in which to hide.
For pet birds that are nervous, you might have to place the cage in a quiet
room or, if that is impossible, partially or completely cover the cage so that
the bird has the ability to 'hide.' Make sure that your young guests understand
that they must let the animals rest when they are put in their area of 'refuge.
I hope that this discussion will
assist you in keeping your home safe for your pets during the holidays. During
all the activity, we must not forget the welfare of our pets and our
responsibility to keep them free of danger. If you practice the proper
preventative measures, the holiday season for your pet will be as happy as it
is for you and your family.
The preceding discussion was
garnered from several excellent sources including: Your Healthy Pet by Amy Marder, VMD
and A Dog for All Seasons by
Jane Leon, DVM
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